Privacy policy

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Hi there! We care a lot about your privacy at This policy explains how we collect and use information about you when you visit our website.

What Information Do We Collect?
When you visit, we may collect some basic information like:

  • The type of device you use (computer, phone, tablet)
  • The web browser you use
  • Your IP address (this is like the address of your device)
  • The pages you visit on our site

We use this information to make our website work better for you. We never collect your name, address, phone number or other personal details unless you provide them to us.

Our website uses small files called cookies. Cookies help us remember things like your language preferences so you don’t have to select them again next time. Cookies are safe and can’t harm your device.

Sharing Your Information
We never share or sell your personal information to other companies for marketing purposes. The only time we might share some information is if it’s required by law.

Your Privacy Rights
You have privacy rights! If you don’t want us to collect your information, you can adjust your browser or device settings. Your parents can also contact us if they have any privacy concerns.

That’s it! We value your trust and work hard to keep your information safe and private. Let us know if you have any other questions!